Olive Grove Children


Sunday School

Each Sunday morning at 10:00am the children meet to study the Bible together, fellowship, and grow in faith. We currently offer two classes for children: The younger class is designed for preschool through 2nd grade. The older class is for 3rd-5th graders.


We currently offer nursery care during our morning worship service at 11:00am. Babies through 3 year olds are welcome to be in our nursery while parents attend congregational worship.

Children’s Church

Children’s church takes place during our morning worship service, which starts at 11:00am. Children will begin the service in the main sanctuary with their parents for singing and prayer. After the singing has concluded, children will be dismissed to children’s church where they will participate in their own Bible study and worship. Parents can pick them up in the children’s church room after the main worship service

Wednesday Night

Every Wednesday from 6:30pm to 7:30pm the children will meet for games, Bible study, and fellowship.